Over a half century ago, the Packer was designed specifically for professional outfitters and packers who required a strong arch for all-day comfort and support. Soon, workers in various industries discovered the remarkable qualities of the White’s high Packer arch, and made it a vital part of their tools of the trade. The boot uses the highest arch within WHITE’S BOOTS’ collection, which gives the boot the distinctive sharp style.
ホワイツのラインナップの中でも、最も古いモデルと言われているメカニックや建設労働者、牧場でのワーカーたちに支持された『ORIGINAL PACKER』。
耐久性や快適さを求める、WHITE’S BOOTSの中で最もアーチが高いラストを使用し、スマートな印象を与えてくれるブーツです。